Setting Goals for Success | Angela [VIDEO]
When I committed to the Fit Life Challenge, I knew there was no way I would quit. I knew this for a few reasons.
- I was going to be videotaped and episodes were going to air online. It’s Windsor. Windsor is small. I was bound to run into someone who would call me out!
- There were a lot of applications for spots in the Challenge, and I wasn’t going to take up and waste a spot that someone else could have had.
- I had LOTS of family and friends who were behind me. They supported me enough to nominate me and believed in me.
The Challenge is now over, but that was just a warm up for me. The fitness thing is kind of addictive, I must say 🙂 . Now this is no longer about a contest, it is about my life.
Last week, I sat down with Danielle to set goals for myself for the next few months (with a couple long term ones to keep in mind too). The 9 week Challenge was a stepping stone. Now is when I start kicking ass and doing all these fun things that I would have never dreamed of doing, EVER in my life. So here it is, in writing…eesh.
30 Day Vegan Challenge (Note: So far, not fun)
For some bizarre reason I have committed to this. Much of this commitment stems from me needing to be challenged. A lot of it comes from me assuming people think I won’t be able to do it (mainly myself). So, proving someone wrong, even myself, is incentive enough for me. I am going to make this easier for myself by juicing every day. I have learned a lot about the benefits of juicing, and love experimenting!
Keep up Axfit Fitness Routine
Presently I am a work at home mom. I am fortunate enough to make my own hours, so I am able to manage my schedule to get to six Adrenaline classes per week. (Disclaimer: I am on the hunt for an additional job so this may vary slightly) With this, I have also agreed to take Sundays off, do some stretching and spend uninterrupted time with my family. By February 18th (my 4 month Axfit Anniversary) my goal is to attend my 100th class!! PS: I expect the gym to be decorated with balloons and streamers. I don’t believe cake would be appropriate. :)) By March 10th, I am determined to hold a 5 minute plank.
Increased Cardio
While I am consistently improving in Adrenanline classes, I need to add something in. Over the course of the Challenge, I lost 23lbs (confession, I gained a few over the holidays) and gained 15% muscle. While I understand that how my clothes are fitting (did you hear I am wearing jeans I haven’t fit into for 8 years?), fat girls still rely on that number on the scale. It needs to start moving. The only way to get this going at a more rapid pace is cardiovascular exercise. I have headed back to Zumba classes and will do at least one per week. Not only is this a great cardio workout, but it is so.much.fun.
I have also committed to running, for 30 minutes (on the treadmill for now) 6 days a week. Did I mention I hate running? HATE IT. I am going to use the Couch to 5K app, to help increase my love of it…I hope. I do have reasons for these running shenanigans:
- On March 10th, Danielle and I will be venturing out for a 2K run.
- On April 10th, I will attend my 1st Unleashed Class
- On May 4th, I am part of a team that will be participating in the Heart Breaker Challenge (Pray for me)
- On October 20th, I will be participating in the Detroit Free Press Marathon Relay, running the last leg which is 4.4 miles. (7K)
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So there it is, in writing and Video! Feel free to ask me how it is going, or give me those little pushes I need in class! I’m loving life right now and look so forward to experiencing so many things I was not physically capable of, but couldn’t even picture myself doing! I may struggle or come in last every time, but I no longer sitting on the sidelines saying I could NEVER do that. I can do anything I set my mind to!